Wednesday, December 23, 2009

To Grandmother's House We Go!

The MR. and I are headed off to visit family today after I get off work.

We will stop in Cumberland and spend tonight there.  Tomorrow (XMAS Eve) he is headed to York.  We are spending the actual holiday apart, which we have been doing every year.  We thought it would be nice to have our first Christmas together be our first Christmas as husband and wife.  I will miss him, but I am so excited about the following year that I am actually very happy that we have made that choice. 

He will be back on the 26th for my grandmother's XMAS party.  We will leave together to go back to York, probably on the 28th.  This is where we will spend the next few days to celebrate New Year's at our "usual", a family friend of his parents... a very good time :-)

This sounds great on paper.  However, I am a homebody.  Once I move, I make a place my "home".  Even though it is a small, some-what crappy apartment that we live in, I am proud to say that it is officially our home.  And since it is so, leaving for over a week literally scares the living geezes out of me! 

I am leaving my car at "home".  I am trying to remember to unplug everything.  I am trying to remember not to forget anything... ESPECIALLY MY PILLOW (the only thing that could possibly comfort me on our journey).  I will hopefully turn the heat off... it's expensive enough while we are living in it.  I just remembered that I forgot to hold our mail. 

And the kicker... the worst feeling in the world (for me) is coming "home" from a trip to a DIRTY house.  But, unfortunately, I didn't have the time lately to actually clean it.  It is relatively spick and span, but there's something about coming "home", knowing that you finally get to relax on your break, have nothing to do, and walk in and see dirt on the carpet.  Or see ONE dirty cup that you left out the morning you left.

That's okay, though.  I love my family.  I love his family.  I love spending time with them and seeing everyone.  But "home" is where my heart is :-)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

food that is not good for me.

I am making buffalo chicken dip tonight for the fiance and friends as a sort of celebration.  They have completed student teaching and have graduated with their degrees!  SO excited for them.  I will probably eat half of the stuff myself.  And I believe we are also celebrating with Jack and Diet coke :)  One of my favorites!

ALSO-super excited about the XMAS gift I bought for the FI yesterday.  An awesome silverish-grey Calvin Klein slim-fit dress shirt.  HAHA.  And a nice tie to go with it.  It was the first time I ever bought I tie.  WOW.  They are expensive.  They are made up of WAY less material than the shirt, yet cost almost just as much!  Silly.  I also bought him a tie rack!  That one is a complete surprise, but he really needs it and I am tired of seeing his ties laying everywhere in my...  achem... our closet.  And the movie 'The Hangover'!  I am so excited to see it.  He asked for it and probably knows he is getting it!

Friday, December 18, 2009

There's just something about this time of year...

Why does XMAS still give me butterflies?!?! 

  • I know my gifts already (because I asked for things I need).
  • There is no excitement over getting to sleep before Santa gets here.
  • I used to love snow and winter.  I now hate snow and I hate cold.
  • I used to love buying gifts for people.  I still love giving things, but I wish they were free.
  • I do not enjoy sleeping in my mother's house.  I love my family, but I no longer have a bed there.  I sleep on my 10-yr old brother's bunk bed.
  • I get depressed seeing how much people spend on Christmas.  A friend told me an interesting fact: America spends $450 BILLION every year on XMAS.  Yes, really.  It would only take $10 billion to provide EVERYONE IN THE WORLD with fresh water... yeah, I am a party pooper.
  • I feel guilty when people spend money on me.
  • The list goes on...
YET... I still get butterflies around this time of year. 

Maybe it's becuase I am thinking of different things now that I am older.  Maybe because I am thankful for Jesus.  Or my fiance.  Or my job.  Or my happiness.  Or my friends.  Or my family.  Or my new beginning to life and marriage.  Or the fact that I am getting 11 days off work :)

Monday, December 14, 2009

I should be fired...

I am blogging instead of working.  This is technically my plan period, but I am tired of music. 

Well, kind of... I am actually listening to the radio.  But still... just not the beautiful recorder echoes of 8-year-olds.

I had a pretty good day today at school.  During the beginning of the year, I was having some on-days and some off-days.  I can honestly say that even though I have been going home tired lately, I haven't been going home with a headache.  I was getting frustrated when things weren't going my way at school.  Whether it being misbehaving students, forgetting things, listening to my principal yell, lesson plans just not really working out, etc.  Either I am not letting these things get to me because I am not noticing them -OR- it really is getting better!  Students are so much better behaved!  Even close to the holidays!  They might be finally getting used to my rules.  I am writing more things down and forgetting less!  My principal LOVES me!  She bought me a wonderful XMAS gift!  My lessons have (pardon my bragging) been AWESOME!   And the kids are just loving them.

And I am standing up for myself.  Our school counselour today asked me to start coordinating the "Character Ed" Program and to keep HER updated.  I think it's like a program of artsy stuff (singing, instruments, visual art, dancing, etc) that basically somehow relates to good character traits... respect, honesty, cooperation, peace, etc.  So I said, "Oh, I didn't know that it even existed.  When is it?"  Her response, "OH, the last week of school".  My response, "You are definitely going to have to get back to me after the break.  If you ask me to do that now, I will not even think about it over break."

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Babysitter offering services FOR FREE!

My school has this thing...

Because I am a 'related arts' teacher... apparently I don't need a plan period for any reason. 

PP: "Oh, Mrs. M has a meeting at 8am FOR AN HOUR this morning?  Just ask Maria to babysit her class."

Maria: "Sure, I can do that."

I am a sucker.  The poor kids are supposed to be learning and I can't teach them math and reading, so I just sit there and babysit.  In the short school month of December, here is my babysitting schedule (as of now)

Dec 8 Mrs. W, 3rd Grade 8:15a-8:45a
Dec 8 Ms. M, 4th Grade, 8am-9am  (How am I supposed to pull both off on the same day?)
Dec 9 Mrs. M, 2nd Grade 2:45p-3:20p
Dec 15 Mrs. W, 3rd Grade 8:15-8:45
Dec 17 Ms. G, 3rd Grade 8-9a
Dec 18 Mrs. K, 2nd Grade 8:15a-9a

That is, until I get called unexpectedly and without notice... sorry, that was redundant.

***I SHOULD CLARIFY SOMETHING:  Don't get me wrong, I am INCREDIBLY lucky, happy, blessed, and thankful that I even have a job.  There are people who do not have jobs and I am being paid to play instruments and dance with children... for the most part.  I really do like it, but I think I will start charging $10 babysitting fee from now on :-)

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Wedding Plans :)

I have some serious exciting DIY plans for our wedding.

The problem is:  I can't do them all because it will look ridiculous to have that much "stuff" going on.  So, I have chosen a few really exciting things that I WILL finish.

(My colors are red and pink... kind of girly, and not really 'me', but I really like the feel of the romantic thing)

Here they are:
  • For the ceremony:  DIY white tissue paper pomanders to hang in the aisles of the church.
  • Save the Dates:  I ordered 250 business cards with our info FOR FREE online (+ shipping), which I am going to attach to magnets and send with a picture.
  • Guest Book:  I found a REALLY cute idea on Martha Stewart Weddings, create cute little pieces of paper and envelopes of brightly colored paper and attach envelopes into a scrapbook.  The guest writes a message on the paper and finds an empty envelope in the book and places it in there for us to read later.
  • Centerpieces:  I have two different centerpieces because I have a lot of tables.  One is a plain vase with pink and white silk cherry blossom stems.  The others: a vase with water and dried curly willow branches inside.  On top: red tissue paper pomander.  Possibly with some ribbon around the vase.  (I found vases on for $1 ea.)
  • Place cards and table numbers:  I found the BEST IDEA EVER.  Each table has a "number" which is really the word 'love' in different languages.  So there will be a 'love' table, an 'amore' table, etc.  Each place card has the person's name and ______ table on it. SO cute.
  • In addition as sort of a favor: Each person will have a copy of a poem in their table's language on pretty paper sitting at their chair :)
  • Also at each place setting:  I have learned all kinds of paper and napkin folding techniques.  Each person will have their napkin folded in a fan and in the center will be an beautiful kusudama origami flower folded by yours truly.
  • My dad is making my huge and beautiful 5-tiered cake.  That is the epitome of Do-it-yourself.
  • Last, but not least:  Candy buffet.  I bought a bunch of different-shaped and -sized vases from Michael's which will be filled with pink and red candies.  Each person will have a beautiful favor bag (which I decorated) to fill with their selection of candies.

So excited!  Wish me luck!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I think I am the one with a behavior disorder

Am I the only one with this problem?

Okay, probably not, but I am a first year teacher... so I feel helpless. I have (like we all do) a handful of students with behavior disorders, autism, ADHD, seizures, and an uncountable number of other disorders, disabilities, etc.

My intial thought of these students: it breaks my heart. I feel for them and I love them.

My second thought: What in the hell do I do? I don't have any experience in this world of helping those who are helpless.

I had a student who is 6 years old sit in class, perfectly content and behaving normally. Next thing I know, he shoves a whole piece of paper in his mouth. When I told him to take it out, he went to the trash can and pretended to spit it out. But instead, he swallowed it. He then proceeded to ask me in a very adorable and innocent face, "Excuse me, Ms. Thomas, may I please go get a drink?"

When he untied his shoes a moment later, he started screaming at the top of his lungs that he needed help. The class was singing and playing a game in a circle. I asked him to sit down and when he could sit quietly for one minute, I would help him tie his shoes. He went to a chair, knocked it over and started screaming at me at the top of his lungs. I tried ignoring it for a moment and when I realized that it certainly was not going to work (because the class was standing dumb-founded staring at him) I called the office and asked for his autism teacher. She came down and had to literally drag him out of the room screaming.

I felt terrible, but what exactly what I supposed to do? I need some serious intervention, myself. I nearly threw a fit myself because I felt so helpless.

One more: I was so excited to pass our recorders to a certain third grade class earlier this week. They came in with their money and were begging to play those things for two whole weeks. I walked in that day (my fourth time seeing the class) with the box of their recorders, which already had their names on them. I had a great lesson planned that I knew they would really enjoy. When I walked to the front of the class to start, I noticed an aide and two students sitting in the front. I had never seen them before. I asked if they were in the class. The aide said yes and asked if I had something planned for them. She told me they cannot play recorders or other instruments. They are nonverbal and cannot speak, sing, or play. But that I should have planned ahead and modified my lesson for all students with all levels of learning. She then took the students out of the classroom and they didn't come back.

Okay... I believe that those students deserve to have music class. How was I supposed to plan for students that I didn't know before they got there for the first time? No one told me that they were even in the class, because they had never come before. Also, and more importantly, what am I going to do with them? They literally sit there practically restrained screaming and crying for 40 minutes... yes, literally. They disrupt the entire class the entire time. I have to yell over them. That certainly isn't fair to anyone else, either. Those poor kids have only one form of communication: crying. They cannot speak our language, so they scream. This breaks my heart. But no one is winning, here. WHAT DO I DO?

Sooner or later, I am going to need to go to the school counselor for mental issues.

Friday, September 4, 2009

What firedrill...?

It turns out that there is a protocol to the whole fire drill thing.... whoops.

I am currently ending my second week as a teacher.  I was so proud of myself for not crashing and burning in the first 8 days.  I even may have taught a kid or two something about music... not sure yet.  Well... until yesterday.  I had an extra fourth grade class and didn't know what to do with them.  So, I thought a cup passing game would be appropriate.  Since I am traveling room to room (which I LOVE) I would have to move all of the desks in the whole room just to make a circle on the floor.  

Wait!  Light bulb.  Someone told me that no one uses the back playground at our school anymore. Okay, I will take the kids outside.  "Genius, Maria".   We are really getting into the game, making it harder by adding more cup flips and even singing tunes while doing the game, like 'Row, row, row your boat.'  Well, apparently the fire drill went off.  And apparently it doesn't ring outside.  But we could see classes of students quietly walking outside in single file lines... kindergartners!  The teachers are looking at me like "What the heck is she doing?!"

It turns out that the classes are supposed to walk outside to a designated area in a very quiet single file line.  Once in the approriate place, the teacher is to take role with her class list (for good reason)

#1  I wish someone would have told me that
#2 I wish I had heard the firedrill
#3 I wish I hadn't had the kids laughing, screaming, and singing while the whole school is standing in a line watching us
#4 I wish someone had told me I needed my key to get back in the building... yes, locked out, we were.