Sunday, June 13, 2010

My Third Confession: RSVP Horror

My RSVPs were due 2 1/2 weeks ago.  Here are the trials and tribulations of RSVP horror:

I am still missing a bunch of them.

We had more than one of our guests RSVP with people who were not invited to the wedding.  For instance, we would send an invitation to a family of four, and the RSVP would say '6 attending'.

One person sent in two RSVPs--both said the exact same thing.  Still not exactly sure how they got two invitations in the first place...

Recently I ran into 3 people who hadn't sent their RSVPs.  I assumed they weren't coming until they said, "Oh, I can't wait for your wedding!"  I guess they will be there...

My confession:  This makes me insane!  

And I thought my situation was bad... until I searched online and found these RSVP Horror Stories:

We are having a formal plated dinner and have gotten back two RSVP's with no names at all... just post marks from cities we didn't even send invites to! Now how do you figure that out?!?

I received an R.S.V.P with no name, no return address, just no checked on the invitation

I’ve had people write 6-8 on the number of attending even though it says 2 reserved. Now that is just plain rude.

Our big RSVP issue is since we are having 3 meal choices we asked people to put their initals next to their meal choice. About half the ones we have gotten back just have “x” or checks next to the choices so we have no idea who wants what, unless they want the same thing.

At my niece's wedding, four families (with kids, in-laws, and even boyfriends and girlfriends and dates!!!) showed up when they didn't RSVP. One family showed up uninvited!

 I guess it could always be worse...

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