Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween News

  1. Happy Halloween!
  2. Happy 20th Birthday to my "little" brother!
  3. I had a great weekend!
  4. I applied to Graduate School today!!!!!!!!

Friday, October 29, 2010


It's Friday!  Josh and I are watching the Mountaineers and waiting for my dad to arrive!  It's the first time my dad has been to our new house!  I am excited for him to see it.  I have a fun filled weekend of food planned.  Yes I do.

Tonight: NY style pizza.
Tomorrow: bacon eggs and orange juice for breakfast.  Tacos for lunch.  Amazing authentic Italian restaurant for  dinner.  Apple pie and wine for dessert.
Sunday: Life cereal for breakfast.

Yay :-)

Today I was super tired and didn't feel so hot at school.  So I got off at 4 and came home to take a nap on our air mattress (surprisingly comfortable for naps) and didn't wake up 'til 7:00!  I feel much better now that I am drinking wine and waiting for pizza.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Oh... Sooo... Tired...

It's almost midnight.  Why am I still awake?  I chose to get up after laying there restless for a while.  Now I am hungry.

I think I figured it out: We have a tornado watch.  Something about tornadoes gets me all worked up.  Am I afraid of them?  No, not really.  I have actually seen more than one in my lifetime.  I know, it's weird considering I grew up in a little valley in Maryland.

But ever since then, I have been completely enthralled by the things!  I love watching videos of tornadoes and looking online at tornado pictures.  In all honesty, I have a tornado dream about once every two weeks!  I never die or even come close, though.  Usually they are beautiful dreams!  Complete with black and white spinning tunnels of all different shapes and sizes.  I think in another life, I am a weatherman or storm chaser or something. Some of my all-time favorite tornado photos:

This is my all-time favorite photo.  It's all over the internet.  It almost looks fake... anyone know for sure?
A real waterspout.  My family saw one of these one year at the beach!

This is the scariest thing I have ever seen.  Also the most beautiful thing I have ever seen!

I love how they twist and turn. They remind me of arms.

Some of my favorite photos are when they are dissipating, or are no longer connected to either the sky/clouds or the ground.

I found this and the next one online.  I can only hope that they are 100% real.

Tell me that isn't real, natural, crude beauty?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mmmmm... apple pie.

I am currently enjoying a hot piece of apple pie.  My second of the night.  And I am pairing it with a nice glass of red wine.  Not sure if they go together or not... they do in my book :-)

I had a very loonnnnggg Monday and Tuesday at school and today after work I made dinner for josh and a new friend :-)  Jenny is the elementary music teacher in Josh's district and came over to talk lessons.  We had chicken carbonara, rice pilaf, and steamed broccoli... and homemade apple pie.

This past weekend we took a trip to Cumberland to visit my family.  Here are the details of the last few days:

Friday: Go to work early and teach all day.  Get off at 4pm.  Go home and pack the car.  Drive 5 hours to Cumberland.  Get there and bake a cake.  Go to bed.

Saturday: Wake up at 5:45am, pack the car, drive to Morgantown for the game.  Pick up my sister (yay!), tailgate, game, birthday for step-dad and brother-in-law, go to dinner with Josh's family, drive back to Cumberland by 9pm, have a campfire with grandma, go to bed around 12.

Sunday: Wake up, do laundry, have breakfast/lunch at mom's house, pack the car AGAIN, drive the 5 hours back to Salisbury, unpack, get ready for school on Monday.

Monday: Wake up as usual for school, get ready, get in the car and.... it won't start.  Dead battery.  Call a taxi.  Late for work.  Get there flustered.  Teach 10 classes.  Go home.  Go to the gym for a class.  Have dinner.  Go to the grocery store while Josh goes to get me a new battery.  His Check Engine Light lights up on the way.  Replace the battery. Go to bed.

Tuesday: Go to school. Teach a bunch of classes, come home, start dinner, have dinner, talk about school stuff, eat apple pie, drink wine, blog.  Tonight I will pass outtt.......

Goodnight, world :-)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

My Community

As a new resident of Wicomico County and the City of Salisbury, I am learning every day more and more about our new community.  Here are some things I would like to share with you:
  1. The murder/manslaughter crimes in this city are up 50% from last year ALREADY and the year is not over.
  2. In Baltimore City, 1 in 4100 people are murdered.  In Salisbury, 1 in 4000 are murdered.  Yes, that means that I am more likely to be murdered in little Salisbury than in Baltimore!
  3. Every week in the city limits of my new city, there is an average of: 38 thefts, 16 burglaries, 8 assaults, 1 murder, 1 rape, 3 robberies, and 3 motor vehicles stolen.  All of the averages except murder have gone down in the last year.
Even though I have only lived here for a few months, my career and sanity is dependent upon the safety and well-being of our community.  Why, do you ask?  Because I see it EVERY DAY.  I teach hundreds of students per day and I see first hand where they come from, what they do after school, where they live, and who their parents are. 

For some reason, I feel the need to help.  If I am going to be a long-time resident of this community and city, I want things to change.  I really believe that every bit can help.

Here are the things that I have already invested time/money/resources in:
  1. I give money out of each paycheck to the United Way.  I hear things like, "Well, the United Way is basically helping people who need to get off their butts, get jobs, health insurance, a home, etc."  I agree that those things need to happen.  I also know that even if those people do not choose to make those decisions and their needs are being met by taking money out of my paycheck, they still need it.  And I have it to give.  They have feelings and families, too.  And I also see something that most people don't see... their children.  And how homelessness and no food affects a 5-year old.
  2. The Blood Bank of Delmarva.  I am a contributing member.  Our community needs blood donations to help the sick people of our city get in and out of the hospitals faster.  So I give.
  3. Food Bank donations.  At the grocery store, I pick up some small non-perishable items and place them in the bin at my school.
  4. Being a mentor.  We have this great mentoring program in Wicomico County.  I am a mentor to a 2nd grade student at my school who desperately needs some stability in his life.  He gets to spend a few hours per week in my classroom with me.  The Mentoring Project also sets up outside activities for the mentors to do with the kids, like go to the zoo.
  5. Be an advocate for my school and my students and my classroom!
  6. Teach my students about character and the consequences of getting involved in violence and gangs.
  7. Trying to be knowledgable about the current political candidates for our county, city, and state, so that I can make good voting decisions next month.
I am not going to go around paroling the streets of the projects to prevent gun violence, but I am doing what I can.  Can you suggest any other practical things I can do to help my community?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

It's Been Too Long!

Apparently I have been busy!  I haven't been on Blogger in over a week!  Here are the things that are going on in my life right now:
1.  Rita's is closing for the winter this Friday.  :-(
2. I am applying for grad school soon at the University of Illinois.  And I'm really excited.
3. My classroom is too loud because it is connected to the cafeteria.
4. I have been taking Tai Chi, Yoga, and Pilates classes at the gym.  I have always known that I love pilates.  Still true.  I have never taken yoga, but I am loving it despite falling over occasionally due to lack of balance.  Tai Chi is a whole new story.  I think I like it, but it is kind of weird for me.  We will see...
5. I am a mentor at my school to a 2nd grade boy who really needs a buddy.  He is like no other 7 year old I have ever seen before.  Already getting ISS on a regular basis!
6. I really like my job.  But it is SO exhausting.
7. I think Josh and I are planning on an addition to our family this coming summer... no baby... maybe dog?
8. We would also love to own a home.  Foreclosed homes are looking really nice right now.
9. We are going to a WVU this Saturday.  It is homecoming.  The alumni band is going to be there.  It is my step-dad's birthday.  And my brother-in-law's 21st birthday.  The people that we are going with: mom, step-dad, brother, other brother, sister, grandma, step-grandma, step-grandpa, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, and family friends: mom, dad, daughter, daughter's friend.  WOW.  I am so excited.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Weekend is Over :-(

This weekend was a really nice one, though, I wish it would last longer.

Josh's parents, brother, and puppy came to visit.  They got here Friday evening.  On Saturday, we hung out, took a nice walk, watched the Mountaineer game, and had lasagna and wine for dinner.  But before all of that, I had my first performance with my new students!

I was asked to have a group perform at a local church for "Community Fest"... basically a carnival-type thing minus rides.  Since our arts-integration theme this year is China, I had kindergarten do an "authentic" Chinese ribbon dance to some really cool Chinese music.  I have two deaf students in kindergarten, so to highlight them, I decided we would do the entire performance based on visual cue cards.  I sent the permission slips home.  Out of 90-ish students, only 25 kids signed up.  Sad face.  Only one of the deaf students signed up.  Super sad face. ANNNDDDD.... only 6 kids actually showed up.  Very sad face.  But they were still cute and did a great job.  I will post some photos soon!

Today, Josh's parents left and I went to the gym, we had leftover lasagna, I bought my first yoga mat, we started to plan Josh's Holiday Program, and now I am relaxing and getting ready for bed.  And I am sad that the weekend is over...

I always say that.  Me:  "I hate waking up early"  "I don't want the weekend to end"  "Why can't we have three day weekends?"  Then come Monday morning when I get to my very own classroom: "I love this job"  "This is fun"  "Look at those cute kids!"

Although we do have a three day weekend this weekend AND next Monday is a professional day!

Kindergarten Quote of the Week:
Mrs. Mengel is getting very annoyed with one particular student, "A", who is constantly talking and bothering other kids.

Me: A, Zip it!
A: Oops, sorry! (And zips up his pants)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Yeah for Us!

Today we did something that we should have done a long time ago:  Got gym memberships.

I was doing very well with exercise and eating healthy.  Not to make excuses--but this was literally why I have slacked off A LOT in the last few months:

  • Last day of school last year:  my grandfather dies.
  • Two weeks later: I get married.
  • Two days later: I go to Cozumel with Josh for a week.
  • Two weeks later: We move to the eastern shore.
  • Two weeks later: We go to the beach with my family.
  • Two weeks later: School starts.
  • Two days later: I realize what I am in for with this job.
  • Since then: So tired when I get home.  Also:  been very busy since then.
  • But most of all: We discovered a Rita's down the road. 
Now: No more excuses.  We signed up for a gym membership for a year.  No getting out of this one.  Here are all of the pros:
  • We get a VERY discounted rate for being teachers.
  • It's right down the road (across from Rita's)
  • The hours are really great.
  • With our membership--we get free Chipotle on Wednesdays.  Which means: If we go every Wed. we will get almost $60 of free food each month.  The gym membership has basically paid for itself!
  • They have lots of exercise classes: Which I LOVE!  Pilates and yoga and zumba and cycling!
Now I just have to cut down on the Rita's...

Sunday, October 3, 2010

I Heart Fall

Although summer is definitely my favorite season, I LOVE Fall!!!  Look at these images and try to tell me that this doesn't make you feel great.

On the list for this month:  Make lots of soups.  Go on some walks in the local parks and take pictures of leaves :-)  Break out some sweaters.  Watch movies under a blanket.  Roast chestnuts.  Buy a scarf.  Make pumpkin stuff (pie, cookies, pancakes, etc.)  Go to a WVU game.  Travel and visit some family.   Wish us luck!

Rain, Rain, Go Away

It's been raining here for days.  And days.  And days.

Although yesterday was a beautiful day!  We took a trip up to Long Neck, DE to visit some friends who were in town.  We went to Rehobeth and shopped, went to lunch, and hang out.  We had great weather!  And we got to see some friends who we don't get to see too often (and their 6mo old baby!).  It was fun!

We went to the Dog Fish Head restaurant for lunch and it was SO good.  Some of the BEST food I have had in a long time.  And there were plenty of their brews to choose from!

I officially moved my classroom last week and it took FOREVER!  It was nuts.  Now my new room is spacious and great, except it is a huge MESS!  I am not used to being disorganized, but I haven't had time to clean it or organize it yet.  It's driving me nuts because I don't know where anything is.  They didn't give me any paid time after school to move or set up, so I decided that it would all be done during school.  And I refused to give up any instructional time.  So my kids are having music class among a disaster.  It drives me crazy and they don't even notice!  Oh well.

I have my first performance this Saturday.  I am taking a large number of kindergartners to a local fair/festival thing to perform.  The performance is based on our Arts Integration theme this year, which is "China".  They are doing an "authentic" Chinese ribbon dance.  It is very cute and I think the parents will like it.  We will see how it goes!