Sunday, October 10, 2010

Weekend is Over :-(

This weekend was a really nice one, though, I wish it would last longer.

Josh's parents, brother, and puppy came to visit.  They got here Friday evening.  On Saturday, we hung out, took a nice walk, watched the Mountaineer game, and had lasagna and wine for dinner.  But before all of that, I had my first performance with my new students!

I was asked to have a group perform at a local church for "Community Fest"... basically a carnival-type thing minus rides.  Since our arts-integration theme this year is China, I had kindergarten do an "authentic" Chinese ribbon dance to some really cool Chinese music.  I have two deaf students in kindergarten, so to highlight them, I decided we would do the entire performance based on visual cue cards.  I sent the permission slips home.  Out of 90-ish students, only 25 kids signed up.  Sad face.  Only one of the deaf students signed up.  Super sad face. ANNNDDDD.... only 6 kids actually showed up.  Very sad face.  But they were still cute and did a great job.  I will post some photos soon!

Today, Josh's parents left and I went to the gym, we had leftover lasagna, I bought my first yoga mat, we started to plan Josh's Holiday Program, and now I am relaxing and getting ready for bed.  And I am sad that the weekend is over...

I always say that.  Me:  "I hate waking up early"  "I don't want the weekend to end"  "Why can't we have three day weekends?"  Then come Monday morning when I get to my very own classroom: "I love this job"  "This is fun"  "Look at those cute kids!"

Although we do have a three day weekend this weekend AND next Monday is a professional day!

Kindergarten Quote of the Week:
Mrs. Mengel is getting very annoyed with one particular student, "A", who is constantly talking and bothering other kids.

Me: A, Zip it!
A: Oops, sorry! (And zips up his pants)

1 comment:

  1. Haha. You're quote is too cute! "OOPS" (zips pants.) I die. I needed that giggle this Monday morning! :)
