- It is Friday
- It is F-Day. My school system works on a six day cycle (A-Day,B-Day, etc.). Each day is a different schedule for me. F-Days are my favorite days because, although I am very busy, I have all of my favorite classes. So I have named it F(un)-Day! It is even better when F-Day happens on Friday because then it is called "Friday Fun Day".
- It is Pay-Day.
- Friday, Fun Day, and Pay Day have never happened on the same day before now. This is great!
Next week we only have 3 days of school before our Easter break. I am excited to be going to Cumberland to visit family because I haven't been there since the Christmas holiday. Unfortunately, we don't get a Spring Break here, it's just a long weekend for Easter. But I will take it any day!
Have an awesome weekend :-)
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