Monday, August 22, 2011

Closet Makeover #2

We have a cute little closet in the foyer right inside the front door.  I went to WalMart yesterday to pick up spray paint (details on that later) and stumbled upon a shoe rack for less than $3.

This was all the inspiration I needed to do a quick 15-minute makeover in that closet, which, we can both admit, was looking a little neglected:

Why do we have winter coats in this closet in August?

After some quick updates, a 30-second installation of the new shoe rack and some organization, we were left with this:

I added a small hook for the umbrella, I parked the vacuum in the corner beside the DVD binder (yes, we keep our DVDs in a binder), I added the shoe rack, and placed my yoga mat in the back.

Josh's hat now goes on a hook, and using all white hangers, I hung Josh's jackets on the left and my jackets on the right...

We still have the blankets that we use on the couch most often folded up at the top. I wish we could have a little basket for them, but the closet is beneath the stairs, so the ceiling is slanted and low.  I don't think the basket thing is going to happen.  But overall, I think it looks pretty good.  It's the first thing I see when I walk in the door, so if it is organized and clean and pretty, I will always be happy :-)

On another note, I went to WalMart yesterday for spray paint to do a test run on a door knob.  All of the door hardware in our whole house is brass.  We hate it.  We looked into purchasing new door knobs and handles and hinges and locks, but when we found what we wanted (which was the cheapest thing you could get in silver) and added up how much it would cost to do every door in our house, we realized it would be a huge investment.  But I recently saw on young house love how they spray painted theirs.  I am going to give it a try soon.  I think I will do a test run on the door handle on the inside of the office closet.  That way, if it goes all wrong, I can scrap that idea altogether or try again with different products after I reevaluate.  I will update more about that later.  Do you have brass door hardware?  Has anyone out there tried spray painting door hardware before?

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