But I am happy to share some stuff that I really want. Stuff that would be first on the list if I won the lottery. Stuff that is too expensive for anything but dreams.

Yep, still want that stinkin' thing. It was on last year's list as well. I will only accept it in these colors. And no stripes, please. I might go for checkerboard mirrors. Maybe.

A gift card worth $20,000 to IKEA. I have an ENORMOUS wish list on hand in case I ever get to go there. With order numbers and everything. Yep. I'm serious. And yes, I have never been there. I just know I am going to love it and want everything.
An outdoor oasis/swimming pool/maybe hot tub type of area. We have a huge yard that would be perfect for a pool, but Josh is very against that idea. He doesn't want to maintain a pool. I understand that, sure. But I want one sooo bad!
Okay. So I don't want to attend St. Francis Xavier University (what is that anyway?). And I'm not Thomas Roy Ignatius Robles. But I liked the look of this diploma a lot. And the basic point I'm trying to make is that I would like my Masters degree to be finished. If I could buy my diploma without doing the rest of the work, I totally would. If I had the money.
Yes, a chandelier. Again. We have a beautiful space at the top of our stairs which overlooks our foyer. It's pretty cool because the two floors of our home are open. Josh can have a conversation with me from the kitchen when I am in the home office. It's pretty sweet. But from outside, there is a nice window of that area and at night is is lit up beautifully and I am dying for a hang-y type chandelier like this to go there:
There are two problems with this chandelier thing. 1) All of the ones I love (and I am picky) are too expensive. 2) The current light fixture at the top of the stairs would have to be moved over about 4 feet to put the chandelier in the right place. Not sure how we would go about doing that. But, if you have $500-900 you would like to blow, you can buy this for me.
That's it. I don't need too much stuff. But there are things I love and want. Maybe when we win the lottery. Maybe when we start buying lottery tickets and then win the lottery.
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