Friday, September 10, 2010

Catching Up

Geez, it has been two weeks since I have blogged.  AND it has been two weeks since school started.  WOW.  Now is a good time because the Mountaineers are losing terribly and I would rather be in the computer room alone that sitting with stressed-out-Josh.

So far, I am really enjoying my school.  I have Pre-K for the first time ever and was VERY scared.  I have never taught 3 or 4 year olds in a classroom setting.  I got some advice, tried it, and so far it is working very well.  I REALLY like my schedule.  I usually teach around 9-10 classes per day, which seems like a lot, but... I will admit I kind of have it easy.  I get plenty of planning time, free coffee all day long, and NO DUTIES.  I am the ONLY teacher in my school who sees all 636 students every 4 days... so I get a bit of a break.

Oh yeah, until I found out on Thursday that my beautiful new, spacious, perfect classroom is being taken away from me.  We are inheriting a new Pre-K class and they need my room.  I AM being moved to another classroom, which is nice, but the move is a little stressful.  I need to do it all next week.  My new room is bigger.  It has a mounted LCD projector with a beautiful sound system.  But it is connected to the cafeteria by a collapsible wall... which means it will be very noisy during lunch hours.  Last year I had ZERO rooms and traveled on a cart.  This year I get to set up and decorate TWO rooms. Not bad.

A cute story to leave you with: Yesterday I got a new Kindergarten student.  He was Middle Eastern and after I introduced myself to him, I asked his name.  He told me a number of times and I could NOT understand him... poor kid.  Instead of embarrassing us both, I just asked him to spell his name for me so that I could write it down on my class list.  He replies:  A...  b.... c.... d.... e.... f...

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