Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday Fun Day!

Today is a great day for the following reasons.
  1. It is Friday
  2. It is F-Day.  My school system works on a six day cycle (A-Day,B-Day, etc.).  Each day is a different schedule for me.  F-Days are my favorite days because, although I am very busy, I have all of my favorite classes.  So I have named it F(un)-Day!  It is even better when F-Day happens on Friday because then it is called "Friday Fun Day".
  3. It is Pay-Day. 
  4. Friday, Fun Day, and Pay Day have never happened on the same day before now.  This is great!
Tomorrow Josh and I are going to view 5 more properties.  We are really excited to see them and I think that at least 2 of them are good prospects.  Our lease is up in mid-July, so we need to get on the ball.  We really don't want to live in our rented town house again.  While we like it, we feel like we are wasting money in rent checks.

Next week we only have 3 days of school before our Easter break.  I am excited to be going to Cumberland to visit family because I haven't been there since the Christmas holiday.  Unfortunately, we don't get a Spring Break here, it's just a long weekend for Easter.  But I will take it any day! 

Have an awesome weekend :-)

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