Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Coming Out of the Closet

Since I currently have no money and I am dying to decorate my home, I decided to tackle my closet first.  I am a Type-A personality and I have a strong desire to have all things organized.  With little money and only time to spare, my closet in the master bathroom was the first thing to get a re-design.  It is very large and can most certainly handle all of my shoes clothes.  I am in love with reading craft and organization blogs lately, so I got some ideas online.  I will cite them when needed.

Here is my closet when I moved in:
bare and very white

Here is the closet after I moved all of my junk clothes in:
random stuff everywhere

On the left are shelves with shoes, on the floor are more sandals and to the right in the tan  thing are my tennis shoes...

oh! and these shoes, too...

here is my mound of flip flops.  you could say I have an obsession...

As you can see, I have a lot of extra space.  It does not look organized or clean.  I have an overwhelming amount of flip flops that I have no idea what to do with.  And looking at it like this gives me a headache.  So my first mission in house decorating and organization is my closet.  I know that may seem ridiculous considering I am the only one who will see it.  But that's precisely why I am sharing it with you!  Updates to come...

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